Not in force
373. A private institution may, with the prior authorization of Santé Québec, entrust the administration of the contributions it receives to a foundation of the institution provided that the foundation meets the conditions set out in section 120, with the necessary modifications, that it is established in accordance with the statutes of Québec and that nothing in its constituting act prevents it from administering such funds.
The foundation acts as an administrator of the property of others entrusted with full administration, unless the institution entrusts the foundation with simple administration only.
In cases of dissolution of the foundation of the institution, the funds which have not yet been used for the special purposes stipulated, together with the accrued income and interest derived from the investment of the funds, must be returned to the institution and administered in the manner prescribed in the second paragraph of section 372.
2023, c. 342023, c. 34, s. 373.